9 Years!!!

10 years and 1 month ago I was sitting in my cubical at work on a Saturday waiting for my friend Dennis to call to tell me when we were going to get together that night to hang out. He called, but to cancel.
Instead he said, "Hey, my friend, Brent, just got home from his mission and he has tickets to the University of Utah football game tonight. Do you want to go with him?"
All I thought was, "Ewwe! Another return missionary who thinks he's God's gift to women because he went on one". But I had nothing else to do on a Saturday night so I to Dennis Brent could call me. Hey, free dinner, right?
When I answered the door, he looked nothing liked I pictured. He was a a great dresser and he was blond! (I have always had a thing for blonds)
A week later I realized I was in love and 2 weeks after that, I knew he was the one. 13 months after our first date, we were married in the Salt Lake Temple for time and all eternity. And after 9 years, 7 moves, 4 states, 2 mortgages, 1 medical degree, 2 dogs and 1 precious little girl later, here we are!!
Without Brent I would have never known that a car trip could be that much fun or that I could do anything because he says I could. Or that men are romantic in real life and not just in movies. Or that someone else thinks I am that significant and amazing as I think they are as well.
As I write this in my pajamas, with my hair looking like Fred The Midnight-Hairdresser got a hold of my head, I know that if he walked in at this moment, he would still think I am beautiful. Okay, he would know that I can look better. But he would still kiss me and that is all that matters!!!
He has made me so happy all of these years and I am so happy that I can finally see him as a father. He makes me fall in love with him again every time he holds Grace and plays with her.
And as we go on our date tonight to Dave and Busters, I know it's not romantical but we have gift certificates and coupons, I know we will reminisce of our wedding day and how we ate at the McDonald's that you had to ask for a coin to open their bathroom or when I tossed my bouquet and it exploded on the chandelier at our reception center or when I had my little "meltdown" before the reception started because everyone seemed to have an opinion on everything and I was trying to get things organized!
Ever since I married Brent I became euphorically happy and it seems to grow every year. I am so happy that we chose each other to spend our lives with. I couldn't have asked for a more kind, caring, and devoted husband and I can't wait for the next 9 years!!!!!!