Gracie Update and Utah Pictures

Grace has decided yesterday was the day to make new developments. I have been trying to show her how to roll over but from her back. She can roll to her side but that's it. I finally decided to put her on her front and wouldn't you know it, she rolled right over!
A few hours later I was giving her her bottle and she decided to hold it! I had to help her a few times but it was great!
And then she........................slept threw the night!! 8:00 p.m. - 8:45 a.m.!!!! I did check on her in the middle of the night to make sure she was okay and I made Brent check on her when he got up. So she got sleep but we didn't.
My mother-in-law sent us pictures from our trip to Utah in June. I'm glad someone's memory card was working!!! Enjoy the cutest which is my daughter!