Grace Love it!!!

Maddie had one too many drinks.

She turned into a "Dancing Queen" hopped up on sugar.

Seriously the sweetest thing!

Brent trying some Coke

The kids meeting the Coke Bear. That was the coolest suit!

My adorable friend, Kelly and her twins, Aidan and Hannah.

I love this picture of Aidan!

Grace with her new friends.

This is what you see when you first walk in.
For our first part of our trip, we wanted to stop in Atlanta to tour the Coca Cola Museum since Brent is a huge fan of the stuff. We were not disappointed! Not only do you get to see how it's made and all of the Coke paraphernalia, they also had a Coke art gallery, a 4-D movie ( 3-D and the seats move and water squirts on you), and a tasting station where you can taste 65 different type of sodas that the Coke company makes for all over the world. I got sick. The grossest one is from Italy.
We got to stay with my friend, Kelly, and her darling family. Kelly and I have known each other for about 15 years. She even lived with my family growing up (not to mention I dated her brother for 2 1/2 years.) It was like seeing an sister again and when we had to leave I had to hold back tears. She has the sweetest kids. Her oldest daughter came and sat right in my lap when we got there and really didn't leave my side the rest of the time.
Kelly also has 2 twins 2 months older then Grace and they had the best time playing with each other!!! When we were at the museum, I caught Grace holding Hannah's hand while we had our strollers parked next to each other. It was so sweet!!!!
Thanks Kelly and Chris for the wonderful time in Atlanta!!!!
Next Up... Disney World!!!!!!!!!!!!!